At the Newark residential building, we were entrusted with the task of revitalizing two well-trafficked hallways. Our professional commercial painting services transformed these spaces, giving them a fresh, inviting look.
First Coat of Paint We began by applying the initial coat of paint to the hallways, providing a solid base layer for further refinements. This coat ensured a uniform color and texture, setting the stage for a polished final result.
Filling and Sanding After the first coat of paint had dried, we meticulously filled any holes, cracks, or imperfections to create a smooth, even surface. Following this, we carefully sanded the entire area to further enhance the appearance and feel of the hallways.
Spot Priming To guarantee a flawless finish, we applied spot priming to areas that required additional attention. This step provided an extra layer of protection and ensured that the subsequent coat of paint would adhere evenly and seamlessly.
Final Coat of Paint Once the spot priming was complete, we applied a second coat of paint to the hallways. This coat not only enriched the color and appearance but also provided increased durability and resistance to wear and tear.
Timely Execution Our skilled team completed this commercial painting project in just two days, demonstrating our commitment to efficiency and quality. The Newark residential building now enjoys rejuvenated, elegant hallways that residents can take pride in.
We are probably the best in your city! Try to refresh your property with us and you will forget about the old look.
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